Average Tuition and Fees of an RN Program

Learn about the average tuition and fees for RN programs, including costs for books, uniforms, student support, and technology.
Average Tuition and Fees of an RN Program

One of the most common questions that many prospective Registered Nurse (RN) students ask is how much they will need to pay for their training. If this is the case for you, we can help answer the question for you. While the tuition and fees required for RN programs vary depending on the school you choose, we are describing below some common costs for a full-time RN student attending a community college, which most of our readers are likely to attend.

Typical Tuition Rates

The best way to calculate your tuition costs for an RN program is to multiply your school's cost per credit hour times the number of credits necessary to complete your program. As stated above, this varies from school to school. The reason for this is that some schools require more credit hours than others, and some schools charge more per credit hour than others.

Another factor that can affect your tuition rate is whether you are an in-state or out-of-state student. In most cases, tuition rates for in-state RN students are much more affordable than those for out-of-state students. Additionally, universities tend to be more expensive than community colleges and trade schools. Some common tuition rates for RN students attending community colleges are:

  • Public In-State Cost Per Credit Hour - $72 to $82
  • Public Out-of-State Cost Per Credit Hour - $154 to $216
  • Average Public Tuition Per Semester (full-time in-state students) - $864 to $1,019
  • Average Public Tuition Per Semester (full-time out-of-state students) - $2,627 to $3,168

Average Costs for Books

As an RN student, you will need to purchase a variety of general education and healthcare-related textbooks. The costs for these books will vary depending on whether you purchase them new or used. Additionally, some schools offer the option of renting the textbooks you need for your courses.

However, to give you an idea of the costs you will incur for your books, we are listing average costs per semester for new college textbooks below. These costs are based on a full-time schedule for an RN student attending a community college or trade school in the U.S.

  • First Semester - $1,086
  • Second Semester - $70
  • Third Semester - $110
  • Fourth Semester - NA
  • Fifth Semester - NA

Miscellaneous Student Fees

To attend almost any community college or university, you will likely need to pay a variety of miscellaneous student fees in addition to your tuition. The types of fees you will need to pay and the amount of each will vary depending on the school you choose. However, some common fees in this category include:

  • Student Support Fee - $10 to $15 Per Semester
  • Student Technology Fee - $11 to $17 Per Semester
  • Registration/Application Fee - $25 to $50 (one-time fee)
  • Student ID - Free to $7 (one-time fee)
  • Parking Sticker - Free to $12 Per School Year
  • Graduation Fee - Free to $30 (one-time fee)

Miscellaneous Program Fees

If you wish to become an RN student, you will also need to pay various miscellaneous program fees, such as program supplies, uniforms, background checks, and vaccinations. Just as with the fees described above, miscellaneous program fees vary depending on a variety of factors, such as the number of vaccinations you need and the cost of your supplies and uniforms.

For example, some students may need more vaccinations than others. Additionally, the costs for your supplies and uniforms can vary depending on whether you purchase them directly from your school or from an outside party. In any case, listed below are miscellaneous program items and their costs for an RN program:

  • Liability Insurance - $17 to $36 Per School Year
  • Healthcare Program Physical and TB Test - $155 to $205 (one-time fee)
  • Vaccinations - Varies Depending on What You Need (Average Cost: $150-$250)
  • Criminal Background Check - $70 to $120 (one-time fee)
  • Student Uniform (includes scrubs, shoes and tools) - $155 to $255 (one-time fee)
  • Healthcare Name Tag - $2 to $3 (one-time fee)
  • Nursing Admissions Test - $55 to $105

As an RN student, in addition to tuition, you will need to pay a variety of other fees, including costs for books, uniforms, student support, and technology.

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